Sunday 23 September 2012

The First Post

A gold star just because
Dear Future Readers

So here we are, my first post.  And it’s even more awkward than I thought it was going to be.

Since the amount of time between setting up my Blogger account and actually publishing this post is 1 year and 3 weeks you would be right in assuming there have been a few snags. Two main ones, in fact.

Snag number one reared its head almost immediately. Once I got over the heady (and admittedly geeky) excitement about the fact that I actually ‘owned’ a little piece of the internet, the time inevitably came for me to actually write something. 

Which scared the hell out of me of course. The responsibility of not making my little piece of the internet suck bore down on me with force, sending me into a paralysis of indecision.

So I did what I always do when I have something really important to do and I'm not sure about the best way to do it – I procrastinated. I fiddled with blog templates. I added and removed all manner of gadgets. I adjusted layouts and customised themes.

Finally when all this was done I had a quiet, uneasy conversation with my subconscious where we both agreed we’d done enough for the moment and we would get back to writing the all-important first post ‘later’. 

Then about 2 weeks ago after a series of galvanising events had taken place ** I decided it was time. Time to get serious.  Time to write that first post which would pave the way to my blogging future. Which is where I hit my second snag.

I couldn’t write. And the more I tried the more I coudn’t. The problem was that I knew I didn't have any readers. I couldn't shake this horrible self-conscious feeling that I was talking to myself, shouting meaningless words into a gaping abyss. Which was also scary.  

And then I had an idea. So what if I didn't have any readers? I'd write to the readers I wanted to have in the future. I'd imagine you into being and fill the abyss up with light and people and conversation.

So here goes...

You’re a warm, intelligent bunch who have the confidence to be comfortable with themselves. Some of you will have interesting and fulfilling passions and create things of wonder and beauty. Some of you will be widely read with opinions of startling clarity. For some of you, a glass of wine and 5 minutes of peace might the only highlight in a crappy day, week or month. I'm pretty sure most of you are wearing pants.

But the one thing I know for sure is, I love you all already.

** More information about the galvanising events will be forthcoming in future posts.